Art Studies

1998 – 2002      Visual artist, Turku Arts Academy 

2008 – 2012      Master of fine arts, Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture

2013 – 2015      Professional Teacher Education Unit, HAMK University of Applied Sciences


Selected Exhibitions

2017                  To Wake Up in a Cold Morning, Gray Gallery, Turku

2016                  Museion Tarot, an exhibition and an artsists book with Emilia Karjula, B-gallery, Turku

2014                  Punctum, Gallery Berner, Turku

2010                  Merimaa / Peterdi, Kakelhallen Gallery, Mariehamn

                          Hiiliolioita ja video-olioita / Charcoal Things, Video Things, Maaret Finnberg Gallery, Turku

2008                  Eero Merimaa/ Arttu Merimaa, Poriginal Gallery, Pori

2005                  Desertification, Lönnström Art Museum, Rauma

2004                  Eero Merimaa / Nina Rantala, Poriginal Gallery, Pori

2002                  Construction site, Aboa Vetus Ars Nova, Turku


Selected Group Exhibitions

2021                  esine – olento – asia/ object – being – thing, Vanhalinna Museum, Lieto

2019                  Näytöksiä/ Scenes, Turku Cathedral, Turku

2017                  Yhdessä/ Together, Vuojoki Manor, Eurajoki

2014                  Meren aalto/ Wave of the Sea, Korpoström Archipelago Centre, Korpo

                          Berührungen mit der Realität/ Many Touches with Reality, Toolbox Gallery, Berlin, Germany

2012                  Dialogue Cities, Cologne City Hall Exhibition Space, Cologne, Germany

                          WÖRKS, 3h+k Gallery, Pori

2011                  Väärin piirretty / Badly Drawn, Turku Art Museum

                          Dialogue Cities, Maaret Finnberg Gallery, Turku

2009                  Idylli / The Idyll, Pori Airport

2008                  westcoastcustoms, with my father and brothter, Jangva Gallery, Helsinki

2007                  Osumia / Hits, The Turku Artists´Association´s invitational exhibition, Titanik gallery, Turku

2005                  Latest News, Navicula Artis Gallery, Pushkinskaya 10, St. Petersburgh   

                          Finnish Artists´Association 110th Annual Exhibition, Helsinki Art Hall


Public Works, Awards and Other Activities

2019                  Artist in residence in Giffa, Italy and Budapest, Hungary

2015                  Papu/ Bean, a public playground sculpture made in collaboration with five artists and children, Turku

2012                  Turku Poetic Video Screening, poetic video art screening, co-producer

2011                  Public artwork Joitakin teknokukkasia / Some Techno Flowers, Turku Public Art Collection 

2008                  Vieraskynä – drawing project in collaboration with selected artists and the Turku Drawing Association, Turku Art Museum

2007                  Uutta ja nuorta / Young and New, the 2nd international symposium on medallic sculpture, producer

2006                  1st award in Turku Student Village Foundation´s art competition

                          Public work  Heijastuspinta / Reflecting Surface, Turku Student Village Foundation

2005                  25 hour drawing marathon, with the Turku Drawing Association

                          Jurying of the Turku Artists´Association´s annual exhibition, with the Turku Drawing Association

2004                  Taf Taf enviromental art project in Grand Yoff suburb in Senegal, and Varissuo suburb in Turku 


Memberships and teaching

Member of The Art Council of Southwest Finland 2019 –

Turku Arts Academy, Lecturer on department of sculpture, 2014 –

Paasikivi-Opisto, art teacher and head of arts, 2006 – 2015

The Association of Finnish Sculptors, 2018 –

Turku Artists´Association, 2006 – 2008

Turku Drawing Association, 2003 – 2014 (chair 2006 – 2008)


Selected Scholarships and Grants

2019                  Turku Art Association

2018                  Art Council of Southwest Finland


2014                  Turku Cultural Council 

2012                  Turku Cultural Council 

2010                  Turku Cultural Council                                        

2008                  Art Council of Finland               

                          Art Council of Southwest Finland

2006                  Finnish Cultural Foundation                                

2005                  Finnish Art Association             

                          Turku Art Association                                          

                          Art Council of Southwest Finland